On Location Classes

Rhyme and Reason classes feature an hour of interactive circle time, in which we share activities within a group setting that help to boost our children's learning at home, and later, in school. We focus on the domains of early learning that are most beneficial to development: Language and Communication Skills, Physical Health and Well-being, Emotional Maturity, Social Skills, and General Cognition. Join us for an hour of fun, high-energy programming that includes music, movement, and all kinds of play, geared towards the specific ages and stages of early childhood. Our inclusive and customized classes guarantee a perfect fit for every child, parent, grandparent, and caregiver. We can't wait to see you at our interactive new flagship location in Northland Village Mall!

Our services.

  • 0 - 8 Month Olds

    Using gentle songs, rhymes, stories, and activities, this six week session will strengthen our bonds with our new babies. We'll cover topics in early development, from how our babies' brains are growing, to popular areas of education like infant massage and baby sign language. Come sing, read, talk, and play with other parents, caregivers, and infants in this fun hour-long program.

  • 8 - 15 Month Olds

    In this series of classes for older babies, things get a little more active! We'll use bounces, lifts, dips, and swings to really strengthen our muscles and motor skills. We'll cover topics in language acquisition and speech development, transitions and routines (like bath and bedtimes), and work on social and emotional maturity activities with the other children and adults in our session.

  • 15 Months - 3 Year Olds

    Perfect for toddlers and young preschoolers, this session focuses on movement integration, socialization, and pre-reading and writing skills. As our children grow, so does the amount of room they need to share and explore. Acting as co-learners, we'll sing, play, talk, and move within spaces and activities designed to spark imagination and boost learning!

  • Bilingual Programming (Rime et Raison)

    Los primeros cinco años en la vida de un niño son esenciales en su desarrollo neurológico, en Rhyme and Reason facilitamos oportunidades de aprendizaje esenciales para su crecimiento a futuro. El programa de Mamá Ganso consta de 6 sesiones en las cuales te divertirás y aprenderás bailes, rimas, canciones, y cuentos. Con base en el EDI (Early Development Instrument), una de las herramientas mas respetadas en el mundo para medir el desarrollo global de los niños, tocaremos temas de aprendizaje temprano, desarrollo físico, regulación emocional, pensamiento matemático, lenguaje, desarrollo personal y social. El programa esta dedicado para niños desde 0 a 3 años.

  • Bilingual Programming (Rima y Razón)

    ¡Hola! ¿Hablas español? The early years are the ideal time to introduce a second language! During our 6 week bilingual Mamá Ganso program caregivers and little ones will enjoy songs, rhymes, and stories in English and Spanish. We will also cover topics in language acquisition and learn about the benefits of bilingualism. All levels of Spanish welcome. A fun and gentle introduction to a new language, or a joyful way to support the language spoken at home, for children 0 to 3 and their caregivers.

 Around the World in 60 Minutes

Join us for an hour of songs, rhymes, stories, and exploration activities, as we go around the world in this family storytime series! Discover the different cultures of our planet with guest speakers from different countries, how to say 'hello', 'goodbye' and 'I love you' in multiple languages, and what it means to be a global citizen. Fun for the whole family (ages 0-5, with parents/caregivers)!

Limited Run Courses

Throughout the year, we also offer several one-off or limited-engagement programs, including Seasonal Storytimes, Parent Education Nights, and Partnership Programs. Check out our full calendar of events for more details!

At Home with Mother Goose

We offer a limited number of in-home sessions for small, private family groups. If you are interested in booking a private class, please contact our Director at alex@rhymeandreason.ca

 Private Consultations

We offer private consultations for families looking for more concrete measurements of their children's development. Tracking growth through tools like the ASQ, the EDI, and other measurement technologies, we can customize activities to engage your child in areas they might be struggling in, or to challenge them to take their learning to new heights.

Professional Development

Rhyme and Reason Educators love presenting on a wide variety of early eduction and parenting topics. If you would like to book one of our teachers for an informational or training session, please contact our Director at alex@rhymeandreason.ca