Preschool Programming

Philosophy & Pedagogy
Early Childhood Education has a long and rich history with many different practices and ideas from around the world to balance. Sometimes, it can be tough for families to find the best fit!
This is how the Alberta FLIGHT Curriculum Framework is making early childhood education more accessible.
The framework combines evidence-based practice from Te Whāriki, Reggio Emilia, Maria Montessori, and other traditional teaching methods to ensure that children in Alberta learn the best from the world and for the world. Rhyme & Reason is proud to use the FLIGHT framework in our programming, which is also influenced by programs like Waldorf and Inclusive Physical Literacy. We aim to bring the world to our students through music, stories, touch, taste, sight, smell, relationships, and experiences, and know that our students will, in turn, make a positive impact on the world. We work together with students, families, and the community to create a classroom that's diverse, fair, democratic, and responsible. And, most importantly, it's a lively, enjoyable, and nurturing place that encourages a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.
Putting Research into Practice
Beyond implementing the new curriculum framework, Rhyme & Reason also strives to create an environment that uses best practice recommendations from neuroscience and psychobiology. Children learn best when they experience a healthy baseline, so we carefully attend to each of our student’s physical and mental health to allow them to reach their full potential in the classroom.
Rhyme and Reason offers a teacher-student ratio of 1:8 to ensure that every child receives the nurturing and responsive care they deserve.
Our Educators are highly-qualified and extremely passionate, with years of experience in a wide variety of classrooms, teaching methodologies, program structures, and continuing training.
We offer ten sessions a week, mornings and afternoons, Mondays thru Fridays, with a mixed-age cohort (3 years to 5 years old) and the option to combine sessions into full-day care. Family Volunteers are scheduled on a regular basis to join in and witness the learning that takes place in our classroom. Special Guests and Partner Organizations also join us regularly for enhanced learning opportunities. We want the world to be our classroom, so in our brief hours in our indoor learning centre, we will bring the world to us.
Tracking Our Learning Journeys
It is important that caregivers, teachers, and our children are all on the same page and the same team in the education process. Rhyme & Reason keeps a digital archive for each student, with stories, pictures, video, audio, and interactive elements to track and preserve each learning journey. Every family will have private and secure access to their child’s archive, which will be updated weekly with artefacts of learning. Multiple lines and methods of communication between caregivers and teachers will be fostered throughout the year to keep us connected.
Learn more about Brightwheel here.
Our program for each day is child-led and play-based, and is often determined in three main, alternating ways; democratic processes for the "We/Group" plan, self-selection for the "Me/Individual" plan, and by energy and needs assessments completed by the teachers with the students. While we offer a predictable, secure environment and plans for transitions, days are not 'scheduled' in a traditional way, and are co-constructed with our students every day. The sample on the side is an example of what a day typical might look like.
“Rhyme and Reason is amazing! My daughter has flourished here.The preschool teachers are phenomenal: caring, warm, focused on individual student growth, curiosity, and FUN. Their emphasis on social/ emotional development and a love of learning will have a positive impact on her forever.”
Mornings | Afternoons | |
8:00-8:30 | - doors open, gentle settling-in, tabletop activities - |
12:00-12:30 |
8:30 | - drop-off ends, doors close, circle 'round begins - |
12:30 | 8:30-11:15 | - free play, gym play, outdoor learning, family-provided snack,
classroom guests, arts and crafts, class projects etc - |
12:30-3:15 | 11:15 | - share learning for day, pack up and get ready to leave school - |
3:45 | 11:30 | - class ends, doors open, pick-up - |
4:00 | - 11:30-12:00 Family-Provided Lunch - |

Vision & Values
We strongly believe that children are small and mighty learners. Given an environment with the right energy, time, space, and materials to explore, and with caring and attentive educators to learn beside, every child will be an active participant in their own growth and education.
We value a holistic and inclusive classroom that fosters risk-taking and resilience, with the aim to nurture children who leave us as:
Playful and Persistent Learners
Caring and Curious Citizens
Confident and Capable Communicators